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Yovan Markovitch

 Yovan Markovitch

Person details

Forename(s) Yovan
Surname Markovitch
Rank Civilian
Regiment Independent forces in Yugoslavia
Age 37
Death Killed by rival partisans while helping British POWs to escape
Place of Death Eastern Europe > Yugoslavia
Date of Death 01/01/1941
Year of Entry 1922
House Letter D
School Notes -
Comments The news of his death was not confirmed until the 1960s, although in correspondence dated 1949-50, the Old Radleian Society was trying to find out his fate in order to decide whether his son would qualify for a War Memorial Scholarship . His name was then added to the War Memorial at the end of the list.
Letters about his war career are in the OR files in the School Archives

War Memorial Fund (1943) Ctte minutes 18.3.1950: 'The Committee was informed by the Hon Sec of a visit to Radley by the sister of Jovan Marcovitch [sic] OR giving the story of her brother's death in Jugo-Slavia during the war encompassed while attempting to aid four British marines to escape from the country after the collapse of Allied operations in Greece. She also said that Marcovitch, before setting out on the expedition that cost him his life, had expressed a great desire that his child then unborn, if a son, should come to Radley and that certain moneys he had left in England might be utilised for this purpose, though they would not suffice to cover the total cost of the boy's education. The boy was at present with his mother either in Paris or Jugo-Slavia. The Hon Sec was able to produce corroborative evidence of this story from a certain Colonel Hudson who had known Marcovitch and who had interviewed the four marines he had endeavoured to help. He also had the names of the lawyers who had handled the affairs of Marcovitch in this country and through whom Madame Marcovitch might be contacted. After some discussion the Hon Treasurer offered to contact personally the lawyers concerned and ask them to get in touch with Madame Marcovitch to ascertain her wishes in the matter, and that if she should desire to have her son educated at Radley an application for further assistance from the War Memorial Fund would receive sympathetic consideration from the Committee.'
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Link
Prefect -
Military Decorations
Album Number
Previous Regiment
Burial or Cemetery ?
Archives Correspondence file in OR files in Radley Archives
Post School Advocate of the Belgrade Chamber of Advocates
Prep School
Prisoner of War
Radlein Obituary
Service Number
Place of Birth