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Robin James Newman Ellis

 Robin James Newman Ellis

Person details

Forename(s) Robin James Newman
Surname Ellis
Rank Lieutenant
Regiment King's Royal Rifle Corps
Age 21
Death Killed in action while giving first aid to one of his men
Place of Death Western Europe > Belgium
Date of Death 10/09/1944
Year of Entry 1937
House Letter F
School Notes
Comments One of three close friends all killed in the summer of 1944 - Robin Whitehead, John Foreshew, Robin Ellis
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Link
Prefect House Prefect
Military Decorations
Album Number 21
Previous Regiment attd. 8th (2nd Bn. The London Rifle Brigade) Battalion, Rifle Brigade
Burial or Cemetery Belgium > Leopoldsburg
Archives Correspondence file in OR files in Radley Archives
Post School
Prep School Arnold House
Prisoner of War
Radlein Obituary November 19 1944. On the 10th of September, 1944, killed in action in Belgium, Robin James Newman Ellis, Lieut., K.R.R.C. (E) (Hedgecock's-Southam's, F, 1937-41). Robin Ellis was a quiet boy of high principles, aptly nicknamed "Monk" by his intimate friends. He was a House Prefect and took part in many activities, showing the promise of administrative ability which later brought him the position of Liaison Officer to his Brigade. In August of this year he went overseas as a Platoon Officer, and was killed while giving first aid to one of the men of his Platoon. Of the three great friends, Robin Whitehead, John Foreshew and he, who left Radley and joined the Army together, he was the last to be killed.
Service Number 245307
Place of Birth